Community Resource Corner: Great Lakes Community Action Partnership

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    Great Lakes Community Action Partnership (GLCAP) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. It was founded as part of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, with the goal of fighting poverty. Ther mission is as follows:

    “We create partnerships and opportunities to help individuals, families, and communities thrive,” 

    GLCAP says they do this by offering programs that address needs in the communities they serve. From after school programs, head start preschool, childcare for children ages newborn-3 years of age, to home rehabilitation services, they try to tackle all the needs of the community.

    Community Resource Corner: Great Lakes Community Action Partnership

    Here are some more programs they offer in Northwest Ohio:

    1. Senior Center services
    2. Meals on Wheels
    3. Homeless assistance programs
    4. Veteran-specific homeless assistance programs
    5. Utility assistance programs
    6. Public transportation
    7. Youth job training

    They also partner with organizations such as the Sandusky County United Way, as well as school districts in Fremont City and Clyde.

    GLCAP has a 24-member board of directors that come from all walks of life, such as county commissioners, representatives from community interest organizations, low-income representatives, and more. The board has members from all of the core counties that GLCAP serves, Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca and Wood. They have a diverse board of directors, so the public has input on decisions made. 

    While GLCAP does cover a variety of needs, they may not have exactly what you need. If that is the case, they encourage you to contact them anyway. 

    “We always encourage people to reach out to us for help. If anyone is in need of a service that GLCAP does not provide, chances are that we can help guide that person to an agency or organization that can help.”

    If you need help in Northwest Ohio, reach out to GLCAP by visiting www.GLCAP.ORG or call them at 1-800-775-9767.