When Will Disability Checks Be Deposited For January And February 2024?

When Will Disability Checks Be Deposited For January And February 2024?

If you are struggling with an ongoing disability, you may find yourself facing significant financial difficulties. You may wonder how you will continue to provide for yourself and those you love while being unable to work and earn an income as you normally would. It can be overwhelming, to say the least.

If you find yourself in this situation, you may be considering whether or not you should pursue a claim for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration – or you may already be receiving those benefits. You may also wonder when those benefits will be deposited if approved. These are important and understandable questions to ask. At Liner Legal, we’re here to help you find the answers.

Let’s take a closer look at the type of benefits available and when each is typically paid.

Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits

The Social Security Administration pays Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits to “insured” individuals with a qualifying medical disability that has rendered them unable to work for at least one calendar year or more. To the Social Security Administration, being insured essentially means that an individual worked a qualifying job for a sufficient length of time, through which they paid a portion of their salary on a regular basis to the Social Security Administration.

For those who began receiving disability payments before 1997, SSDI payments will typically fall on the third day of each month. If that day falls on the weekend, the payment will be made on the Friday before the third.

With limited exceptions, for those who began receiving benefits after 1997, the date you receive your SSDI benefits will depend on your birthdate. Payments are typically made based on birthdate as follows:

  1. 1st through the 10th of the month: Payment is made on the second Wednesday.
  2. 11th to 20th of the month: Payment is made on the third Wednesday.
  3. 21st through the 31st of the month: Payment is made on the fourth Wednesday.

If the Wednesday that is regularly scheduled for payment falls on a federal holiday, payment will be made on the first proceeding day that is not a federal holiday. It’s also important to remember that if you receive benefits based on someone else’s work record instead of your own, the payment will be made based on that person’s birthdate instead of yours.

Supplemental Security Income Benefits

As is the case with SSDI benefits, Supplemental Security Income benefits, or SSI benefits for short, are benefits that the Social Security Administration pays to individuals with a qualifying medical disability that has rendered them unable to work for at least one continuous year or more. Unlike SSDI benefits, however, individuals who receive SSI benefits need not be “insured.” They do, however, have to have income and resources below a certain threshold established by the Social Security Administration. This amount may vary from year to year.

Those who receive SSI benefits can typically expect them to be paid on the first day of each month. If the first of the month falls on a weekend, then the benefits will typically be paid on the Friday before the first of the month.

How Will the Benefits be Paid?

Regardless of which type of benefit you receive, the good news is that the days of having to wait for a check to arrive in your mailbox are over, as is the worry about the check being lost in the mail. Most recipients now opt to have their disability payments directly deposited into their bank accounts. This means that the transaction happens quickly and on a regular schedule, which is ideal for planning and budgeting each month.

There are currently two choices for beneficiaries insofar as direct deposit is concerned. These options include a traditional direct deposit, in which benefits are deposited directly into a chosen bank account, or the “Direct Express” option. Those who choose the “Direct Express” payment method receive a debit card, and benefits are deposited onto that card each month.

Call Liner Legal Today

At Liner Legal, we know and understand every aspect of the law pertaining to disability benefits. We understand our clients and the struggles they go through as they live with their disabilities each day. We know exactly how difficult and overwhelming that can be – and it’s why we’re here to help. If you have questions about when you’ll receive your benefits or any other matter related to disability benefits, give us a call. Our legal team will always pursue the best strategies on your behalf as you seek the benefits you need. You deserve nothing less. No matter where you find yourself in this process, we’ll meet you there, and we’ll fight for you each step of the way. If you’re ready to get started, give us a call today. We look forward to speaking with you soon.