Toledo Administrative Law Judge Approval Rates at the Social Security Office of Hearing Operations

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    The process to receive disability benefits can be long and frustrating.

    If you’ve made it far enough to get your social security disability case heard before a judge, you might want to know what your chances are of being approved.

    If you’re applying for disability benefits in Sandusky, Toledo, Erie County, Huron County, or surrounding areas, your case will most likely be heard before a Toledo administrative law judge.

    Here are the approval rates for Toledo administrative law judges at the Social Security Office of Hearing Operations in Toledo:

    1. Ashford, Earl: 40%
    2. Banks, Terry M: 30%
    3. Belford, Timothy: 47%
    4. Blanton, Michael C: 80%
    5. Bright, Kim L: 38%
    6. Budney, Amy: 46%
    7. Bush, Ellen P: 39%
    8. Bush, Ellen Parker: 0%
    9. Carey, Patricia: 36%
    10. Coulter, Paul: 42%
    11. Eliot, Jonathan: 25%
    12. Gattuso, Mary: 39%
    13. Glaze, Ryan: 33%
    14. Grunberg, Hope G: 22%
    15. Hart, Melinda D: 56%
    16. Herring, Virginia: 37%
    17. Horowitz, Richard: 37%
    18. Johannes, Ryan: 52%
    19. Kerber, Carrie: 38%
    20. Kidd, M. S: 44%
    21. Leventer, Jan: 70%
    22. Mantel, Dianne S: 34%
    23. Morrow, Mary D.: 37%
    24. Neary, Steven J: 48%
    25. Neumann, David F: 45%
    26. Overstreet, Jennifer: 47%
    27. Peltzer, Mary C: 41%
    28. Perry- Dowdell, Leslie: 22%
    29. Ratajczak, Michael: 50%
    30. Reams, Paul: 40%
    31. Sher, Paul: 36%
    32. Siegrist, Harry E: 47%
    33. Sparks, Mary: 65%
    34. Stam, Yvonne K: 49%
    35. Stewart, Nancy M: 51%
    36. Thompson, Sherry D: 29%
    37. Trzaskoma, Virginia: 33%
    38. Tyszka, Ruth: 45%
    39. Vitellio, Gabrielle R: 54%
    40. Warner, Melissa: 39%

    Contact Liner Legal Disability Lawyers

    For more information about Toledo administrative law judges or your social security disability case in Toledo, Sandusky, or surrounding areas, contact Liner Legal at (216)-282-1773 or fill out a contact form online.