Letter from the Founder: Long Term Disability Cases

For years we have branded ourselves at Liner Legal as “Disability Warriors”—fighting for Ohioans who cannot fight for themselves. But most of the battles we talk about fighting, at least publicly, involve the social security disability cases that our firm was built on.

This month I felt inspired to shed a little more light on a newer battleground where we have consistently been waging winning fights: long term disability (LTD) cases against private insurers. When Andrew November joined the practice in 2017, we made the decision to handle LTD cases for our existing social security clients. But similar to the good fortune we experienced with our social security practice, word of our success with LTD cases quickly spread and we now find ourselves accepting an increasing number each month—and not just for our existing social security clients any longer.  In just the first three months of this calendar year, Liner Legal successfully wrapped up cases against some of the biggest disability insurance carriers in the country, including (but not limited to) Cigna, Guardian, Liberty Mutual, Lincoln Financial, The Hartford, Unum, and Aetna.

Beyond just promoting a thriving practice area, the real purpose of this column is to create awareness that we see our LTD  clients making the same mistakes in their claims that our social security clients make: trusting that because they “paid in” and are “insured”, they shouldn’t have any problem collecting on their policies when a health issue or injury creeps into the picture.

If only it were so simple.

Before completing any paperwork for your claim (which gets stored on file forever) remember how insurance companies make money—by denying benefits.

So what will we do at Liner Legal? Well, besides fighting these cases for our clients who make the choice to hire a team of warriors to fight with them, we will educate. We have already shot a series of videos and written several pieces of content that we will soon release and which is geared towards educating the public on the “do’s and dont’s” of an LTD claim, whether you decide to pursue your case with the assistance of an experienced Liner Legal attorney or not.

We don’t care who the Goliath is. Whether we have to step up to the Social Security Administration or a multi-billion dollar insurance company on behalf of a client, our swords and shields are always drawn and ready for action.
