How To Get Disability For Anasarca

If you are experiencing end-stages renal failure, which is also known as chronic kidney failure, you may be eligible for either SSDI or SSI disability benefits, depending on the severity of your condition.

The Social Security Blue Book provides a listing in order to evaluate kidney failure under “genitourinary” impairments. In order to be eligible to receive disability benefits, the individual must be experiencing the need for dialysis on a regular basis, must have completed the transplant of a kidney, reduced glomerular filtration along with symptoms of damage, serious conditions which have been caused by kidney complications, or nephrotic syndrome.

The listing in the Social Security Blue Book provides specific details which have to be met, in order to qualify to receive benefits. However, it is possible to still have your application for Social Security approved if you do not meet the listing requirements. You will need to provide evidence that you will be unable to work for at least twelve consecutive months due to the complications or illness you are experiencing.

Before you take the time to submit your application to receive benefits, you will want to gather all of the medical records, notes, and other information that is related to your illness. All of the records and information you are going to submit need to be recent, no later than 60 days old. While it will not necessarily guarantee the acceptance of your application, you may want to obtain a personal letter from your doctor explaining exactly how and why you are unable to work a full-time position due to your illness.

It is also a good idea to begin keeping a personal journal throughout the duration of the process. Make daily entries, giving specific details about what you experience every day and the physical and mental limitations you go through due to the illness. Take notes of doctor visits and what was discussed with the doctor and all of the recommendations he makes towards your recovery. Give details about the effects you experience due to the medications you take or treatments you receive.

You will also want to start making a decision in regards to an attorney you would like to have represent you throughout the case. Find out how much experience they have when it comes to Social Security cases and the success rates they have had in the past. While going over statistics, you will also want to ask how many of the cases they have won have been awarded either full or half benefits.