Voting Tips from Liner Legal

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    Election day is very soon, which means it is time to make sure your vote gets counted this election! Election day, November 3rd, is just around the corner, but did you know there are other ways to ensure you can get your vote counted right now? For years, the disabled community has faced struggles when it comes to voting. In 2020, this is only made more difficult with the global coronavirus pandemic. The Cleveland disability lawyers at Liner Legal are here to help you get your vote cast, and ensure it gets counted. Below we have some helpful tips to make the voting process in Ohio a little easier. 

    Dates to Remember

    October 5: Last day to register to vote!

    If you have not registered to vote yet, do it ohio gov! If you aren’t registered by or on October 5, you won’t be eligible to vote. Don’t wait, register now!

    October 16: Last day to request your absentee ballot!

    Are you nervous about heading out to the polls this year? You can still vote while staying safe at home. BUT- you have to request your absentee ballot by October 16. You will receive a form in the mail to fill out, then send back. Once your request is processed and approved, you will get your absentee ballot in the mail. The earlier you request your ballot, the better. 

    October 26: Last day to mail your ballot!

    Your absentee ballot MUST be mailed by October 26. This ensures that your ballot has time to get where it needs to be and can be counted. Have you already mailed your ballot? Check the status of your ballot ohiosos!

    Accessible Absentee Voting 

    Are you or a loved one unable to vote using the absentee ballot process due to a disability? There is help! You still need to request your absentee ballot, so make sure that is done first. For more information on accessible absentee voting for those with disabilities, click Ohio Gov.

    Tips for Easy Voting

    1. Tip 1: Check all of your information twice! Make sure that there are no hiccups when you cast your vote. Read over all of your information again before sealing and sending in your ballot!
    2. Tip 2: Track the status of your ballot in the link above, so you KNOW it has been cast.
    3. Tip 3: Make sure to include all of your information, including your phone number and email. If there is an issue with your ballot, your board of elections may contact you.
    4. Tip 4: Not sure if you are registered to vote? Check Ohio Gov and if you aren’t-register TODAY!

    The team of Ohio disability attorneys at Liner Legal wants to make sure your vote gets counted. Follow the steps above, and make your vote count! Do you have a question about voting, coronavirus, and more? We are here for you. Click linerlegal to submit your question, or call the best disability legal firm in Cleveland, Liner Legal!