Free Legal Advice Clinic for Low-Income Individuals

When you are in need of legal advice and a lawyer, it can be a stressful time if you don’t know where to start. The Jewish Federation of Cleveland wants to help make this process easier.

The organization is hosting a Free Legal Advice Clinic for low-income individuals on Sunday August 27, 2017 from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM.

Legal Advice Clinic Details

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland provided information on the event, which includes:

  • The Jewish Federation of Cleveland is partnering with Gesher and the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland to offer this event where people can seek out free legal advice.
  • People can either walk-in or set up an appointment prior to the event to speak with a lawyer. Legal advice on civil matters is offered during the clinic. Civil matters include landlord/tenant disputes, family issues, or employment disputes. Any discussions held during the event between a lawyer and attendee is strictly confidential.
  • IMPACT! will provide Pro Bono guidance. This is a program provided by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland.
  • Attorneys present at the event are there to give brief advice and referrals only. The attorneys at the clinic are NOT representing you. The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland or another service provider can refer you to legal representation if you need it.

If you are interested in making an appointment call 216-593-2887. The event also indicates that people should complete an interest form, found at

It is also advised that you bring any important papers with you!

The event is at Green Road Synagogue. The address is 2437 South Green Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44122.

Additionally, if you or anyone you know needs legal advice or legal representation for social security benefits, supplemental security income, long-term disability or Deaf and other advocacy claims, don’t hesitate to contact Liner Legal right away! Call us at 216-282-1773 for a free consultation.