Charak Center Hosts Mental Health Care Block Party

In a world where every topic or question is searchable on the Internet, it is rare to find events where a community can discover answers to their questions or find resources face-to-face with an expert in a particular field. The Charak Center for Health and Wellness is bridging that gap. The center is hosting a Mental Health Care Block Party, which is open for anyone.

Mental Health Care Block Party

The event is tomorrow, September 9 from 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. The block party is free to the public, and people can join the Charak Center for free food, games, and music. The opportunities do not stop there. The event is also a chance for the community to learn about resources and services that the health and wellness center provides. At the Mental Health Care Block Party you will find:

  1. Tips on how to manage your mental health and home health care affordably;
  2. Help with signing up for appropriate insurance;
  3. The opportunity to interview immediately for available jobs in home health positions. These include RNs, LPNs, STNAS, and Home Health Aides;
  4. Answers to questions about addiction, mental and home health care for you or your loved ones.

Don’t miss your opportunity to inquire about insurance, have a chance at a job opportunity, or receive valued answers to any questions that you may have.

The address of the block party is 12395 McCracken Road, Garfield Heights.

The Charak Center for Health and Wellness is a center that assists patients with mental health services. The center also provides services for addiction recovery. The organization also includes the Charak Home Health Care, as well as the Charak Clinical Research Center. It is a one-stop shop for a variety of needs that patients may experience.