Trial Work Period for Social Security Disability Insurance

Trial Work Period for Social Security Disability Insurance

You started receiving disability benefits but you want to return to work. What happens when you start a job? We have the answers to any questions concerning Social Security and working, based on information found on Social Security Administration’s website.

What is a Trial Work Period?

Only people who receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are eligible for the Trial Work Period (TWP). TWP is a way for people to test their ability to work for at least 9 months. During this time period, you can still earn your full SSDI. There is no cap on your monthly payments, no matter how high your earnings are during this period. However, you must report your work activity and must still have a disability impairment.

When does TWP Start?

The Trial Work Period starts when you begin working again, earn $840 or more per month, or work 80 or more hours a month in self-employment. TWP does not start until you received your first month of SSDI benefits, or during the month you filed for benefits.

How long does TWP last?

A person’s Trial Work Period continues until they reach 9 months of working on the service within a rolling 60-day period. The months do not have to be consecutive.

What happens once you complete TWP?

Once you finish the Trial Work Period, you start the Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE). During this time period, a person’s work and earnings are evaluated to determine if they are able to work at the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) level.

EPE starts right after TWP ends, regardless if you are working or not. The first 36 months is a re-entitlement period. You can still receive benefits every month that your earnings are below the SGA level, as long as you still have a disability.

Other TWP Information:

  1. People receiving Supplemental Security Income do not qualify for the Trial Work Period
  2. You are not eligible to receive disability benefits or TWP if you work at the SGA level within 12 months of your disability starting OR Social Security Administration approves your claim for disability benefits.
  3. The Social Security Administration continuously reviews medical evidence to determine if you are recovering from your disability. Your benefits may stop if you recover before ending TWP.
  4. The amount of TWP services given to people is adjusted each year.

If you have further questions about the Trial Work Period or Social Security Disability Benefits, contact our office today at 216-282-1773.