If you submitted an application for disability benefits that was accepted, it means that you will shortly begin receiving monthly payments from the Social Security Administration (SSA). However, the process does not stop there. Once you begin receiving your benefit checks, you can expect to have periodic reviews of your case, known as a Continuing Disability Review or CDR. These reviews are conducted by the SSA to make sure you are still medically eligible to receive benefits. Below is some information about the review process that you need to know.
The frequency of case reviews Generally, your reviews will be set for every three or seven years. The exact time frame will be determined by your claim representative as soon as your case is approved.
Medical improvement possible One of the distinctions your case can be given is “medical improvement possible”, or MIP. If you are placed in this category, your case will be reviewed every three years. Conditions that fall in this category include mental illnesses or chronic conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.
Medical improvement expected Another distinction your case can be given is “medical improvement expected”, or MIE. If you fall into this category, your case may be up for review more often than every three years. Reviews can be as frequent as every six months for some people. This category is often used for people who are recovering from surgeries and are expected to make a full recovery. For example, someone who had a double knee replacement might be considered MIE.
Medical improvement not expected Those who are categorized as “medical improvement not expected” or MINE are usually given a seven-year time span between reviews. People who are placed in this category have severe conditions from which they are not expected to recover. Some conditions that fall into this category include, but are not limited to cancer, autism, multiple sclerosis, and blindness. Also, people over the age of 55 are generally put into this category whatever their condition may be.
Child recipients Children who receive SSI benefits will have their cases reviewed at least once before their 18th birthday regardless of their conditions.
Redetermination Not only are SSI recipients required to have periodic CDRs, they are also subject to redeterminations as well. Redeterminations can occur any time between every one and six years. These reviews are done to ensure the benefit recipient still falls within the income and work guidelines that must be met to remain eligible to receive benefits.
If you have any questions regarding CDRs or redeterminations, contact Liner Legal today. We are here to help you.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column] [/et_pb_row] [/et_pb_section]