As Liner Legal wrapped up the year, we squeezed in a few more opportunities for community involvement during December 2017. Michael Liner and Andrew November, participated in educating community members, clients, as well as fellow lawyers in the Cleveland area. Local organizations, as well as media outlets provided opportunities for involvement. Liner Legal is thankful to be part of an active community, focused on spreading awareness and increasing knowledge on various legal topics.
Crohn’s & Colitis Reasonable Accommodations Webinar
Attorney Michael Liner presented at an educational webinar for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation – Northeast Ohio Chapter during IBD Awareness Week. Michael spoke on how employees have the right to request reasonable accommodations at work. This means an employee, with a disability, makes a written or spoke reasonable request to their employer. As a result, the request allows for an accommodation that would result in equal work opportunities.
The Plain Dealer Feature
In December, The Plain Dealer featured Attorney Andrew November in a story on the issue of how long individuals have to wait to receive disability benefits. Brie Zeltner wrote the article and quoted Andrew:
“Andrew November, a Cleveland disability lawyer who represents Maki, says one way to save time is if judges once again issued fully favorable decisions without a hearing for cases with solid evidence, a process called an “on the record” decision. Judges issued more than 54,000 of these decisions as recently as 2010, but they have since fallen out of favor due to concerns about fraud and abuse.”
In addition, read the full article online via The Plain Dealer.
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association Presentation
On December 19, both attorneys Michael Liner and Andrew November presented on Social Security disability at the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association’s Continuing Legal Education Year End Update Seminar. Liner Legal enjoys any chance we can get to spread awareness of the importance of Social Security disability.