How to Properly Fill Out the Work History Report Form (SSA-3369-BK) for SSDI

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    How to Properly Fill Out the Work History Report Form (SSA-3369-BK) for SSDI

    When applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), one of the forms you will encounter is the SSA-3369-BK Work History Report. This form is particularly significant if you are over 50 or will turn 50 during your disability case. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure you fill it out correctly and effectively.

    Step 1: Understand the Purpose of the Form

    The Work History Report form allows you to detail your job history over the past 15 years. More importantly, it requires you to describe the duties and physical or mental demands of each position held. This information is important in determining your eligibility for disability benefits based on your ability to perform past work or any other work.

    Step 2: Start with the Cover Sheet

    The first page of the form serves as a cover sheet. Here, you will list all your job titles over the past 15 years. Include only those jobs held before applying for disability benefits.

    Step 3: Detail Each Job Accurately

    When listing each job, be specific about your job title and the tasks you performed. If your role included multiple responsibilities, such as a “Cafeteria Attendant/Dishwasher” or “Receptionist/Delivery Receiver,” specify this in the job title. This helps clarify the full scope of physical or mental efforts required in your roles.

    Step 4: Emphasize Demanding Job Components

    For each job, start with the tasks that were most demanding physically or mentally. This helps highlight the strenuous aspects of your work history, which is key if your disability limits your ability to perform similar tasks now.

    Step 5: Complete the Detailed Job Description Section

    Fill out the detailed job description for each job title:

    1. Describe your daily activities and the tasks that took up most of your time.
    2. Answer yes/no questions about using machines, tools, or equipment.
    3. Specify the physical demands like standing, walking, or climbing. Always mention the maximum effort required on any given day, even if it was not a daily occurrence.

    Step 6: Accurately Report Weight Handling

    It is essential to report accurately on the heaviest and most frequently lifted weights during your employment:

    1. List the heaviest weight you ever had to lift, even if it was occasional.
    2. Indicate the weight you frequently handled if it differs significantly from the heaviest weight.

    Step 7: Review and Reflect on Your Entries

    Before submitting, review your entries to make sure all information is accurate and reflects the most demanding aspects of your past jobs. This is especially important for those over 50, as it directly impacts the evaluation of your work capacity and eligibility for disability benefits.

    Filling out the Work History Report (SSA-3369-BK) form with accurate and detailed information about your previous jobs and their requirements can significantly impact the success of your SSDI claim. Remember to put aside any pride related to job titles and focus on the actual tasks performed, especially those that are physically or mentally demanding. This thorough approach will help build a strong case for your disability claim.

    Thank you for following this guide. We hope it helps you navigate your SSDI application more effectively. Stay strong, disability warriors!

    At Liner Legal, we emphasize the importance of hiring an experienced Social Security disability attorney to enhance the likelihood of application approval. If you’re seeking assistance, contact us via or call our office at (216) 282-1773 for a complimentary consultation. Liner Legal assists clients across the country, with physical locations spread across Ohio in cities such as Akron, Canton, Cleveland, Columbus, Sandusky, Warren, and Youngstown.